My First Bug: How I Was Able to Bypass the WAF and Uncover a Reflected XSS
Hello everyone, I’m Fares. Today, I’ll share the story of how I successfully identified a reflected XSS vulnerability within a public bug bounty program.
To begin with, I followed my usual process of uncovering subdomains, employing tools like Subfinder, assetfinder, and more.
subfinder :
subfinder -d $domain -all > subdomains.txt
assetfinder :
assetfinder $domain -subs-only | grep $domain$ >> subdomains.txt
Once you’ve compiled a list of subdomains using your preferred tool, you can eliminate duplicates using the following command:
cat subdomains.txt | sort -u > sub-list.txt
Now, our goal is to discover live subdomains. For this task, I use a tool called httpx to automate the process.
cat sub-list.txt | httpx > live-sub.txt
After getting the live subdomains, I decided to check them manually. Since the program was public and complex, it was better to search things by hand rather than using automation.
After a deep dive into the program, I discovered an endpoint that appeared to be structured like this:
I figured that if I could fuzz parameters and find “ak” as a valid parameter, I could try adding “FUZZ” to it and analyze the response.
the response was like this :
<p><span class="red"><span id="ak">FUZZ</span></span></p>
That’s interesting because it’s reflected in the response code. So, I attempted to inject a JavaScript code like this:<script>alert(“hacked”)</script>
But when submitting this request, I was redirected to an error page, which was quite disappointing :(.
So, I started thinking about how to bypass this. I tried various payloads from the internet, but none of them worked for me.
So, I chose to look into it. After trying many different payloads, I found that using “<” and “>” symbols in the payload would cause the page to redirect to the error page again.
After attempting to encode and even double encode it, it still didn’t work either.
But I observed something interesting: when I placed certain special characters after the angle brackets, they were reflected in the response without triggering a redirect.
it was like this:<&
the response will be like this:
<p><span class="red"><span id="ak"><&</span></span></p>
so I tried many payloads with the same thing and doesn’t work for me.
After trying out various payloads, I realized that when I submitted the “.” and “=” signs, they were stripped and didn’t show up in the response.
so this will be like:
the response will be:
<p><span class="red"><span id="ak">hacked</span></span></p>
This is getting interesting. Let’s test by adding angle brackets before the equal sign, like this:<=hacked>=
the response was like this:
<p><span class="red"><span id="ak"><hacked></span></span></p>
And I didn’t get redirected, so I was like:
So, I started crafting the payloads using the same approach, which looked like this:
and the response was like this :
<p><span class="red"><span id="ak"><script>alert("hacked")</script></span></span></p>
But here’s a little issue: I can’t access the cookie because the server removes the “.” symbol.
After doing some research, I discovered methods to obtain it without using the “.” symbol, such as:
I hope you enjoyed reading the writeup!
the tools that i used: Burp suit , subfinder , assetfinder , httpx
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